
Six Weeks + One Goal

Summer Coaching Intensive


What is it?

Summer coaching intensive is a six-week, one on one coaching program designed to help you take action around a specific goal, challenge, or life change. We’ll meet once per week for an hour at a time to:

  • Define your core values

  • Get clear on your goal, challenge, or life change

  • Develop a road map for action

  • Identify the tools and resources you need to see results

Who is this program for?

Is there a change in your life you have been wanting to make but your progress has stalled?

This program is perfect for you if you have a goal, challenge, or life change that has been on your mind for a while and you need traction towards action. Coaching provides you with a thought and accountability partner. Through our sessions together, you’ll be re-energized and equipped to move forward.

Six Weeks + One Goal =

At the end of six weeks, you’ll have made progress in moving forward on your specific goal AND you’ll have tools and resources you can use over and over to help you identify what you want, commit to action, and grow.

More specifically:

  • List and definitions of your core values

  • Solid understanding of the goal you are working towards and why it’s important

  • Road map with specific actions, timelines, and accountability processes to keep you moving forward

  • Tools to sustain your commitment and energy as you take action

  • Progress towards your goal

Ready to get started?

Whether you are on the fence or know you are 100% ready to get started, click below to set up a 20 minute intro call with me to learn more.