Shannon Salentine

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Self-Compassion, Leadership, and COVID-19: 3 practices to support leaders right now

Self compassion can feel counterintuitive to us as leaders. We are under the belief that in order to grow as leaders we need to attend a training, read a book, fix, do, act. In reality, the only way we can lead is if we have taken care of ourselves first. This can be especially hard for purpose-driven leaders or servant leaders working to help others. It is part of the human condition to put the needs of others ahead of ourselves. This is why the practice of self-compassion is so important, especially now. 

Here are three ways leaders can practice self-compassion right now- inspired by Dr. Kristen Neff’s work on self-compassion.

  1. Get present to the moment.  Being aware of the present moment is a powerful tool for leaders. The practice of mediation can support this- as it trains the mind and body to recognize the present moment with neutrality. From a place of neutrality, leaders can make the choice to respond v. react to a given situation. If you don’t have a meditation practice, no problem. Getting present to the moment is as simple as pausing when a difficult situation arises, noticing your breathe and feelings, and then taking the next best step from a place of choice. 

  2. Remember  that you are not alone. We are all in the human experience which means that we all struggle with self-doubt and fear. Leaders around the world are being faced with making extremely difficult decisions under pressure. If you’re looking for a way to be reminded that you are not the only one or that you are alone, join a group of leaders currently discussing how COVID-19 is impacting them. Can’t find one that works for you? Create one! Need help- contact me

  3. Be kind to yourself. Now more than ever we need to catch ourselves when we notice our voice of judgement, fear, or worry and replace those voices with thoughts of kindness. Need somewhere to start? Close your eyes and tell yourself that- 

    • You are doing your best

    • You are enough

    • You are worthy of love, respect, and care

Self-compassion is foundational to sustaining motivation, drive, alignment, and commitment as leaders. What practices can you commit to in your daily routine- starting now? We need the best from our leaders during times like these. I’m encouraging you to put yourself first for a few minutes everyday so that you can be a rich resource for those you love, serve, and lead.